Worship in the waiting
“Worship while you wait.” We’ve all heard this one before, right? It seems to be much easier said than done, at least for me.
This has been a motto said to me in a lot of different aspects in my life, but I think this particular wait has been the hardest. My heart longs to be in Honduras, doing the work God has called me to. Yet I know I am in the “not yet.” I understand that I still have a season here, and there is work to be done. It’s currently the end of February. I have four and a half months until I move to Honduras. When said like that, it does not seem like a long time, but honestly, it feels like all I can think about now.
Here are some ways I am learning what it means to worship in the wait and to prepare my heart for what is to come.
Digging into God’s word:
God is teaching me to truly dive into His Word and apply it to my life. The more I learn about His character, the more I understand His love and purpose. Spending time with Jesus brings peace and joy that can only be found in His presence.
Declaring God’s promises:
Reminding myself of the promises God has made to me has been incredibly comforting. Speaking those truths over my life keeps me grounded, reminding me that God withholds no good thing from me and that His timing is perfect.
Reflecting on God’s faithfulness:
Looking back on the ways God has been faithful—both in my life and in the lives of my friends and family—has helped me stay focused on His unwavering trustworthiness. God will never leave or forsake me, and I see that through the experiences we’ve all gone through.
Worshiping in the wait is all about trusting God and His timing. It’s learning to praise Him in the in-between. It’s about acknowledging that God’s timing is perfect, even when we do not understand it. Worship in the wait by trusting that He is working behind the scene. Waiting isn’t wasted time when we choose to worship and trust in God. It’s a season where He’s growing you, preparing you, and molding you to reflect His glory. Keep worshiping through it all, knowing He’s always with you in the waiting.